Monday, July 16, 2012

Hotel Miran Has Five Star Service! (Week One: Sunday, 1 July – Friday, 6 July)

The derecho knocked out power at Miran from Saturday to late Wednesday evening so I spent the first four days at my new home sipping on stream water and taking dirt baths, which I certainly didn’t mind. I was in quarantine in the round pen, but I hardly noticed because the service was so great! Miss Jean put together this scrumptious meal plan for me with alfalfa and rice bran. She also worked with Miss Carol to make sure I always had plenty of hay in the hay net, just where I like it so I don’t waste any! I was also drinking a ton of water from my trough. Everyone paid close attention to how I like things set up so I had a stress-free transition. Its been feeling so good to have a full belly and I’ve already filled out a bit around the middle.
Mom watched over me while I grazed.

Mom was out every day too. She spent time walking with me around the farm, taking me to graze, grooming me, and giving me treats.  She gave me a nice long bath on Friday and I got to tell her about my favorite massage spots on my upper neck, front shoulders, and *blush* the top of my butt. Mom decided early on that I should be treated like royalty and given a name to match. Of course, I was immediately sold on the whole concept. Mom crowned me the “Duke of Fairfax” on Sunday and I’ve been called Duke ever since. Mom’s family also took a long car ride just to meet me and welcome me to their human herd. I felt so welcomed and loved.

It was in the 100s every day so I wasn’t doing too much running around, but Miss Jean did spend some time teaching Mom how to lunge and communicate with me. I was so thrilled to learn that Miss Jean speaks horse! Mom said she would work on staying more behind me and using smooth, calm movements when I am on the lunge line so I can tell where she wants me to go. I like working with her, though, because she makes funny faces when she’s confused. I finished up by showing Mom what a crossfire looks like since Miss Jean had just explained it to her. I also had a chance to show off my lunging skills to the vet on Tuesday…I did a flying lead change at one point, no big deal. I’m glad Mom had a vet come out and give me a thorough check and some shots so I can continue feeling well. Besides a little spot in one eye, some thrush in one hoof, and being underweight, the vet said I was in really good health!! Mom kept hugging me and Miss Jean was doing a dance so I must have been a real good boy.

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