Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dressage Tack

Mom bought us some dressage tack about two months ago to help us in the best form possible for our dressage work. After trying out a couple options, Mom decided to get us a super comfortable Marcel Toulouse Aachen saddle. It's been working out great so I thought I'd post a picture.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Thanksgiving Day Poem

Wind in My Mane

Moon-tipped treetops covered rolling hills painted over by whinnies echoing from afar. The crisp evening air twirled the dark flocks running above my dapple-grey neck.

My deep, round eyes whispered, “I’m a gentle spirit, yearning to please” as a childish bewilderment blanketed my regal physique; I am a colt in horse’s clothing.

Like a puppy, I had rested my head in her lap after those caring hands groomed my growing belly, all the while I licked my droopy lips in response to her soft-toned praises.

Then, when tepid silence befell the twilight-swept pasture, encouraging slumber in its arms, I called to the herd in shrill-pitched searches for my four-legged sentries.

Finding them, I sighed and turned her way to say, “I’m thankful you brought me here to shed past pains and sleep every night with the wind in my mane.”

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Proud of Myself! (Training Update)

After One of Our October Lessons
OK, I don't like to brag, but Mom and I had such a great ride today and it really made me want to share our progress with everyone...

For the last month or so, Ms. Jean has been trying to help me get "on the bit" or "between the aids." Basically, this means getting me collected so that I lower my head and neck and raise my back so that I can better engage my hind end for impulsion. Not only do I look better because I am more rounded, it also feels so much better to stretch down and use my back muscles.  This will help me properly carry my rider.

Ms. Jean really has been seeing and feeling my progress, but she wants to make sure that Mom can help me with it and feel it herself. Mom has been trying really hard to learn this and getting better each time we ride. Today we had a lot of great moments. Mom was feeling it. I was getting it. She was praising me and I was just so proud of myself that I couldn't help but stick my tongue out and start licking and chewing! Ms. Jean told Mom to mark this day on the calendar so I just knew I should blog tonight!

A quick shout-out to Lancet, our new friend at the barn. Thanks for this photo! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Journey to a Healthier Me

Sorry for not posting in a while! I spent part of the last month recovering from a bought of lameness, but at least it gave me the idea for this blog post. :-) I am very thankful that Mom and Ms. Jean have helped me with several issues so that I can be the healthiest horse possible. I want to keep a list of what they've done. So, here are the things they've discovered so far and what they are doing to help:

  • High-level of strongyles parasites || Deworming treatments
  • Underweight, Weak Immune System || Specialized diet with alfalfa and rice bran supplements
  • Significant weakness, lack of muscle || Consistent and progressive workout plan under saddle
  • Sharp teeth || Teeth floated by Dr. J (see one of my previous posts!)
  • Melanomas || Twice daily doses of Cimetidine
  • Ulcers? (assessing) || For now, Pro-CMC before rides
  • Mild arthritis? (assessing) || Weekly Pentosan injections and a daily dose of Prevecox for a month
They've also worked with my farrier, Chris, to make sure I am properly balanced with the best type of front shoes and hind trims for my flat hooves. Plus, Mom makes sure I get all the preventative vaccines I could have so that I don't have to worry about coming down with something. I'm a very happy horse!

A Healthier, Happier Me!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Comparison Photos - 2 Months!

I don't have much to say because the photos say it all. Dang, I'm lookin' goooooooood!

4 July 2012

9 September 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

My Family Tree!

Mom was doing some research online and look what she found! My full pedigree chart goes back to my great, great, great grandparents, but only part of the chart would fit nicely on my blog so I had to take out a generation. Click here for my full chart.

At first glance, it looks like I am British-French-American. That is a lot of red, white, and blue running through my blood... Mom says she understands now why I've got such handsome coat colors. I've got gray, roan, brown, dark brown, and black-coated family members. Mom says she is going to try digging a little deeper for information and she might be able to come up with some pictures.

gr/r. 1991
br. 1974 [BC]
dkb/br. 1968
b. 1963
b. 1963
b. 1969
b. 1963
ch. 1959
gr. 1978
gr. 1962 [BI]
b. 1956 [CS]
gr. 1955
gr. 1963
b. 1953
gr. 1955
gr. 1989
dkb/br. 1982
ch. 1961 [B]
gr. 1950 [IC]
ch. 1946
b. 1976
dkb/br. 1966 [C]
b. 1965
gr. 1967
br. 1959
gr. 1951
b. 1945
gr. 1956
gr. 1947
gr. 1943

Sunday, September 2, 2012

(A) Bit Confused

Miss Jean and Mom have been trying to figure out what bit to use with me after switching to the English gear. I like to grab the bit sometimes (what can I say...we all have stubborn moments) and I am much softer for my riders when I have a curb chain so the double-jointed elevator bit isn't doing the trick. They tried a double-jointed Kimberwicke with a roller but didn't really like it and it was a smidgen too big for me anyway. A Waterford, which has many joints on the mouthpiece and would make it very hard for me to grab, would be perfect except there is normally no place to put a curb chain and no additional shanks on the side to give extra leverage like in the elevator bit. Miss Jean mentioned it would be awesome if there was such a thing as a Waterford Kimberwicke...but there isn't. Mom went online and did a lot or research though. She found a British company that makes some innovative bits and they have a "Waterford Universal" bit that might just be what we need. It has the Waterford mouth piece, an extra ring on the bottom for more leverage (like a half elevator bit), AND a place to put a curb chain. It wasn't inexpensive, but it sounded perfect so Mom went ahead and ordered it. I'll let ya know how it goes. Click on this link if you want some more information about the bit => Neue Schule Waterford Universal Bit.

Friday, August 24, 2012

More Ride Time with Mom!

So starting last week, Mom began coming out on Thursdays to ride in addition to our Saturday lessons together. Yay! She also snatched an extra ride with me on Sunday because she was trying out her new Wintec 2000 saddle. It works great for both of us. Yay! Mom tells me how much she loves our extra bonding time. We worked on keeping my head in the correct frame as we transition up to the trot. It is harder than Miss Jean makes it look...

Yesterday, instead of working in the arena, Miss Jean invited Mom and me to go on a trail ride with her because she needed to take Milton out. Miss Jean helped Mom fit my new saddle pad, girth, and breastplate.  Mom had cleaned up my bridle all nice too so we looked really snazzy going out together. It was the first time we rode in all of Mom's tack. I was super excited that I was going out with Milton too. Milton is the lead gelding in our herd and we've recently become pretty good buddies. I'll hang out with him and his girl, Lilly, when we are in Miss Jean's field. He's a really cool guy and a very kind leader so I felt confident and safe following behind him. I had taken this trail once before with Miss Jean. It goes into the woods and circles around the bottom of one of the mountains. It has a couple of small inclines so I get a good workout. Miss Jean hopes that by the end of October that I will have built enough muscle to ride the trail that goes up the mountain. All in all, it was a wonderful evening. :-)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Month’s Worth of Change

So I thought ya’ll might like to compare some pictures of me when I first arrived at Miran Farm and a month later. I am starting to develop some butt muscles and Miss Jean estimates I’ve gained about 45 pounds overall. I still have a way to go to be in athletic shape, but I think I am coming along nicely.

 JULY 1, 2012                                                            AUGUST 1, 2012

Saddle Woes & (Future) Jumping Shows

Trying out the Merielle Saddle...yuck.

Sorry for not blogging in a while my dear human herd mates…I’ve been so busy in training! During the last couple of weeks I made the transition from western tack to English tack. Miss Jean put me in an elevator bit and Mom has been trying out a couple of different saddles. At first she tried a M. Toulouse Merielle plus 4 with Genesis (a monoflap), but I HATED that saddle…she was all over the place trying to find her balance and my back hurt. I’m so glad she decided to take it back. Then she grabbed a Wintec Pro Jump saddle thinking that is what Miss Jean has, but turns out Miss Jean has a Wintec 2000 so Mom has that one on order from Dover now. I was fine in the Pro Jump, but Mom’s knees were way in front of the flap so that was a no-go.

In other news, Miss Jean told me how proud she was of my behavior on our first long trail ride. We went with a couple of roping horses and I showed her how super good I am both following and leading. In the ring, she is still teaching me about how to respond to leg aids, give to the bit, and carry my head properly to better use my back muscles. In our lessons, Mom and I are working on getting smooth transitions to the trot and we had a chance to do a little bit of canter work in light seat. Mom is still trying to work on staying relaxed, keeping her hands even when steering, and sitting back and deep in her heals. We are both very excited about our work, though, especially after Miss Jean suggested we should train for jumpers instead of hunters since it suits me better. Yay for speed and high jumps…eventually. :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dentist Appointment (Wednesday, 25 July)

Doc came out again so I could get my teeth floated (Grandma Jill, that means I got my teeth filed down). It started out great for me. Doc gave me some good drugs that made me feel a little sleepy. I’m attaching a picture of me feelin’ good…

Doc had Mom reach in to feel my sharp teeth and then got to filing. Mom felt inside my mouth again after Doc was done and what a difference! Doc says the teeth floating should help me gain weight even faster. Mmm, food. Doc finished up by giving me some of my routine shots. I don’t remember a whole lot more because I was pretty drowsy. Mom took a bit of video during to appointment, though, so enjoy the entertainment at my expense.

Finding a Routine (Week Three: Sunday, 15 July – Saturday, 21 July)

So I’ve slowly started getting use to the swing of things here at Miran and that has made me one happy horse. I am trying hard to make friends in the herd, but they are still a bit leery and I’ve got a couple of small booboos to prove it. I got my coggins blood test on Monday and after Mom was done hanging out with me, she turned me out in the big field. I couldn’t find the herd! Mom noticed I was really upset so she walked me over the stream and up the first hill so I could find everybody. I galloped off with a whinny because I was so happy to see them.

Me Hanging with the Herd
Miss Jean told Mom that she noticed a couple more small melanomas on my neck by my mane and near where the bridal throatlatch lies. Mom was worried so she had Miss Jean get Dr. Jay from Total Equine to come out and take a look.  Doc came out on Friday and Mom was able to join Miss Jean, Miss Carol, and Miss Laura for the exam.  Luckily Doc said it was nothing to really worry about.  He’s going to start me on Cimetidine to see if it makes them shrink and prevent further growth.  Mom stayed to spend some time grooming me after the appointment, but I just wanted to be with the herd so I busted out of my halter while I was on the crossties and bolted for the field. Mom didn’t look all that happy with me…maybe because she had to buy a new leather piece for my breakaway halter? Oh well, I’ve got the herd and that is all that matters to me right now.

I had my second lesson with Mom on Saturday. We were in the indoor this time since it was raining. We did a lot of trot work, including more practice on getting good transitions, and Mom was exhausted. HAHA!  Miss Jean told her about how I am learning to respond more to leg aids. We worked on trying to get a nice bend in our turns as we did some figure eights and serpentines. I also tend to bulge out my opposite front shoulder when turning so Mom has to work on recognizing and correcting that. I ended by showing Mom my big trot! Yeehaw! She tried to keep up with the posting…she was just a little behind…hehehe.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Big Day – First Lesson with Mom & Joining the Herd (Saturday, 14 July)

Mom had been away for three days on a business trip so when she came to get me for our first lesson together on Saturday, we started it out with a big hug. I noticed she didn’t look too well, though. She said she had gotten so use to the country air that her body rejected being in New York City. Poor thing. I said I would take it easy with her in our lesson and I know she appreciated it. We mostly spent time getting to know each other… figuring out my turning and stopping buttons. I’m confused with the whole leg aids thing. I feel a nudge from Mom’s leg and I think that means speed up. Oh well, not my fault since no one taught me. Miss Jean says we will work on that a little later. Meanwhile, Mom is working on some of her own things too. She has a tendency to struggle to find the appropriate contact with my mouth and overall she is just so tense! After a couple of not so great transitions to the trot, we started to get a little more in synch. We just touched on some big patterns and we’ll continue to work on keeping an even pace. Miss Jean talked about our progress during the week on becoming softer on the bit and listening better. I can’t wait to show Mom my big trot, hehehe. It already made Miss Jean giggle.

After our lesson, I gave Mom a ride back to the barn since she wasn’t feeling well. Then she gave me a bath and led me out to Miss Jean’s 40-acre field. Mom gave me some treats, but I was so excited thinking about joining the heard that I didn’t even eat them all! Mom took me in the gait, gave me a pat, and said, “enjoy.” I trotted—more like pranced with a whinny—over to the herd! I yelled, “hey guys, look at me!” They all looked up, but didn’t say much except for Kiddo, who seemed the least thrilled of everyone that I had trotted over. I found my way to the top of a dirt hill. I felt like the king of the world. Slowly, the herd came over to talk. I saw Mom watching me with Miss Jean and Kat. I came over to tell them thanks for turning me out. Then I went to talk to a potential herd mate, Leo, who was lounging over in the neighboring paddock. Leo started talking trash to me so I let him know that I didn’t like that…bah, not sure I like that paint. The rest of the afternoon was pure joy. So this is what it feels like to live like a real horse!

Economy Is Bad, But I Got A Job! (Week Two: Saturday, 7 July – Friday, 13 July)

Since my transition was going so smoothly, Mom set me up for my first ride with Miss Jean on Saturday. My back hooves were a tad sore because I just had my back shoes taken off the night before so I could be ready to join the herd. Other than that, I was ready to go. Miss Jean took me over to the big barn to tack me up. She put a Western saddle on me and was like, “Oh no honey, this Duke doesn’t do western.” I want a career as a hunter/jumper so I was worried. I heard her explaining to Mom, however, that we would start out in Western tack until I learned some more of the basics then swap out to the English gear. As she was getting ready to put my bridle on, I raised my head high…I hate those stupid snaffle bits. Patient as ever, Miss Jean was able to slip the bit in my mouth and I was pleased to feel that it wasn’t a snaffle-- it was a Dr. Bristol! Oh, it felt so much better.

When we got to working in the outdoor arena, I showed Miss Jean just how relaxed I was after my first week at Miran and just how nice it felt to be in the more comfortable gear I got right to work in my new, more obvious, workspace. Yay! I’m employed! Throughout the first week, Miss Jean did lots of work getting me use to lighter hands on my mouth and she started the slow process of building my muscles through trot work. Unfortunately, my back half tends to give out because I am pretty weak. She says it will just take some time. We are also working on finding a consistent rhythm so I am going over some poles and little rows of flowers. Miss Jean found out that I loved to be talked to during our trainings sessions and she gave me lots of praise when I listened to her for guidance.

When I wasn’t working with Miss Jean, I was in the small field next to the herd so we could start talking. I knew it would be important to find some friends. I talked to everyone and I really didn’t have problems with anyone. On Friday morning, I was getting a little tired of the field I was in so I took advantage of the broken electric fence to bust out for a small stroll around the long barn. I didn’t get very far before I was put in my stall. Oh well. My little adventure did afford me some time later that evening with Mom in the square paddock, where the grass is real lush. Mmmm. I started to feel like a brand new horse. Mom kept telling me how lucky she felt to have found Miran Farm and have me come into her life. Me too.

Hotel Miran Has Five Star Service! (Week One: Sunday, 1 July – Friday, 6 July)

The derecho knocked out power at Miran from Saturday to late Wednesday evening so I spent the first four days at my new home sipping on stream water and taking dirt baths, which I certainly didn’t mind. I was in quarantine in the round pen, but I hardly noticed because the service was so great! Miss Jean put together this scrumptious meal plan for me with alfalfa and rice bran. She also worked with Miss Carol to make sure I always had plenty of hay in the hay net, just where I like it so I don’t waste any! I was also drinking a ton of water from my trough. Everyone paid close attention to how I like things set up so I had a stress-free transition. Its been feeling so good to have a full belly and I’ve already filled out a bit around the middle.
Mom watched over me while I grazed.

Mom was out every day too. She spent time walking with me around the farm, taking me to graze, grooming me, and giving me treats.  She gave me a nice long bath on Friday and I got to tell her about my favorite massage spots on my upper neck, front shoulders, and *blush* the top of my butt. Mom decided early on that I should be treated like royalty and given a name to match. Of course, I was immediately sold on the whole concept. Mom crowned me the “Duke of Fairfax” on Sunday and I’ve been called Duke ever since. Mom’s family also took a long car ride just to meet me and welcome me to their human herd. I felt so welcomed and loved.

It was in the 100s every day so I wasn’t doing too much running around, but Miss Jean did spend some time teaching Mom how to lunge and communicate with me. I was so thrilled to learn that Miss Jean speaks horse! Mom said she would work on staying more behind me and using smooth, calm movements when I am on the lunge line so I can tell where she wants me to go. I like working with her, though, because she makes funny faces when she’s confused. I finished up by showing Mom what a crossfire looks like since Miss Jean had just explained it to her. I also had a chance to show off my lunging skills to the vet on Tuesday…I did a flying lead change at one point, no big deal. I’m glad Mom had a vet come out and give me a thorough check and some shots so I can continue feeling well. Besides a little spot in one eye, some thrush in one hoof, and being underweight, the vet said I was in really good health!! Mom kept hugging me and Miss Jean was doing a dance so I must have been a real good boy.

Changing Winds (Saturday, 30 June)

The previous night’s derecho blew in more than just a couple of tree branches…around 2:30 p.m. a white pick-up truck and horse trailer pulled up to my barn in Doswell, VA. I figured something was up since my dad, Fred, seemed a bit anxious all morning. Three ladies, who all smelled like Popeye’s chicken, came around the corner as Fred pulled me out of my stall to tack-up. I thought he had lost his mind; it was well over 100 degrees outside! Confused, I stood there quietly while the tall, pale-white lady looked at me with googly-eyes and the petite, peppy one grabbed at my tail and ears. I wondered if anything good would come of our little get-together.

Already dripping in sweat, we headed out to the grass arena and the third lady with the gentle smile got on my back. I thought, “OK, sweetheart, you really want a ride with Mr. Mojo today? It’s hot and I’m not use to this arena.” I’d been off for a week so I started to think I might as well go ahead and stretch my long legs while the gal on my back kept busy trying to find the breaks. Undeterred by my antics, my rider—who the others called Miss Jean—kept working with me even after I made a couple attempts to bolt for the barn. Satisfied and slightly winded, she finally hopped off and the tall gal jumped on for a ride. I could tell she was a little green herself and a bit nervous, but I was getting pretty tired so we settled into some nice little trot circles until she stopped short and practically collapsed off of me…to the ground…on her knees. “Great,” I thought, “another rider with princess tendencies.”

Parched and trite, our small gaggle headed back to the barn where Fred gave me a bath as Miss Jean talked to the now tomato-colored, tall gal. The petite lady—who I gathered was named Carol—spent a long time over at the truck fiddling with something. A little bit later, Ms. Tomato Face came into my stall with a feed bucket. She grinned, gave me a pat, and said I could call her “Mom.” I told her I’d call her whatever she wanted as long as she dumped the food out...I was starving. It wasn’t much longer after that I found myself loaded on a trailer headed for Aldie, VA. I calmly rode the whole way home to Miran Farm. It was around 7 p.m. when Miss Jean led me out of the trailer. I looked around and thought, “Hmph, I could definitely get use to this place.”

Me and Mom

Welcome to Duke’s blog!

I hope you enjoy the musings of my thoroughbred. He is a gentle giant with plenty of personality… so much so that I thought he should be the one writing about our new life together! Duke and I invite you to join us on our journey—one we are committed to take with lots of love and patience. We really appreciate your support and encourage you to comment on the blog posts as we share our experiences. Saddle-up for a long ride. Duke and I have lots to learn from each other and we are certainly glad to have you along.